Privacy Policy


Dear User,   the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“ Law ”) , important obligations have been imposed on personal data processors in order to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, especially the privacy of private life, regarding the processing of personal data. Ekmob Mobil İş Sistemleri ve Teknolojileri Anonim Şirketi (“ Company ”) , registered in the Istanbul Trade Registry , whose head office is Çifte Havuzlar Mahallesi Eski London Asfaltı Caddesi Incubation Center B1 Blok Apartmanı No151/1d/106 Esenler Istanbul, is responsible for fulfilling all relevant obligations and all data processing. As the Data Controller, it takes a meticulous and sensitive approach to ensure that its processes comply with the legislation.   In light of this approach, the Company; It explains the processing processes of personal data obtained about the visitor in all its aspects and aims to enlighten and inform the Relevant Persons with this text (“ Information Text ”). the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“ Law ”) , important obligations have been imposed on personal data processors in order to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, especially the privacy of private life, regarding the processing of personal data. Ekmob Mobil İş Sistemleri ve Teknolojileri Anonim Şirketi (“ Company ”) , registered in the Istanbul Trade Registry , whose head office is Çifte Havuzlar Mahallesi Eski London Asfaltı Caddesi Incubation Center B1 Blok Apartmanı No151/1d/106 Esenler Istanbul, is responsible for fulfilling all relevant obligations and all data processing. As the Data Controller, it takes a meticulous and sensitive approach to ensure that its processes comply with the legislation.   In light of this approach, the Company; It explains the processing processes of personal data obtained about the visitor in all its aspects and aims to enlighten and inform the Relevant Persons with this text (“ Information Text ”).  

1. Data Controller Çifte Havuzlar District Old London Asphalt Street Incubation Center B1 Blok Apartment No151/1d/106 Esenler Istanbul Ekmob Mobile Business Systems and Technologies Inc. located at . (hereinafter referred to as " Ekmob ") is the data controller.

2.  What Personal Data We Collect As a user, we may collect and use the following personal data from different categories during your registration/login to the Platform :

● Identity data: user identification information (name- surname )

● Contact data: users' email address, mobile phone number

● Location data: instant location information of the user's location

● Transaction security: Username and password information, IP address information, application login-exit and access records/ logs created for platform use.

● Provided by the User in the Mobile Application at His Own Initiative : The Company informs that, within the scope of this article, the personal data of the User who includes any of his personal data in the mobile application and shares it with the Company, including but not limited to these and other data categories, may be processed in the light of the information provided within the scope of this Information Text.

3. Limited Use Policy

Gocust use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services.

3.1. Purposes of Processing

Personal Data Your personal data is subject to disclosure of your personal data and for the purposes listed below; Within the scope of the personal data processing conditions of the Law, it may be processed by Ekmob and/or real or legal persons authorized by Ekmob :

●    Authorized users can access the Platform registering /identifying and logging in,

●    users to benefit from the Platform ,

●    location- based updates during visits made by users and thus meeting the needs of sales teams,

●    Ensuring that data is accurate and up-to-date,

●    Ensuring digital space transaction security and information security,

●    Providing storage, hosting and various support services from third party organizations, including foreign service providers, and sharing your personal data with the persons/institutions we receive support from,

●    Taking advantage of cloud computing technology,

●    Regulation of access permissions.

●    Carrying out activities in accordance with the legislation and, in this context, fulfilling the Company's obligations, especially within the scope of the Law on Consumer Protection No. 6502, the Law No. 5651 on the Regulation of Publications Made on the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed through These Publications and the Distance Contracts Regulation,

●    Carrying out commitment processes for companies / products / services,

●    Follow-up and execution of legal affairs and preparation of invoices, delivery notes and similar documents required for sales within this scope,

●    Carrying out communication activities and, in this context, especially fulfilling the Company's rights and obligations arising from the Law on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce,

●    Execution/supervision of business activities,

●    Receiving and evaluating suggestions for improving business processes,

●    Carrying out after-sales support services for goods/services,

●    Execution of goods/service sales processes,

●    Execution of goods/service production and operation processes,

●    Execution of customer relationship management processes,

●    Carrying out activities aimed at customer satisfaction,

●    Conducting marketing analysis studies and, in this context, carrying out studies to improve the user experience on the website ,

●    Execution of advertising / campaign / promotion processes,

●    Execution of risk management processes,

●    Execution of contract processes,

●    Ensuring the security of company information systems and within this scope;

●    Execution of information security processes,

●    Execution of access authorizations,

●    Follow-up of requests / complaints,

●    Carrying out the marketing processes of products / services and, in this context , ensuring that the User is shown the products that are of interest to him, monitoring the User's visiting movements on the web page,

●    Providing information to authorized persons, institutions and organizations.

4. Transfer of Personal Data to Third Parties Subject to the transfer conditions set out in Articles 8 to 9 of the Law ; and within the scope of the above-mentioned purposes, personal data of users will be transferred abroad due to the use of the servers of the service provider company whose headquarters are abroad and from which we receive support. The service providers whose headquarters are abroad and from which we receive support are listed below:    

Domestic Transfer Buyer Group Transfer Purpose

1.   Natural persons or private law legal entities (Company lawyer, etc.)

2.    Authorized public institutions and organizations (Courts, etc.)

1.  Conduct/supervision of business activities

2.  Ensuring business continuity

3.  Carrying out storage and archive activities

4.  Providing information to authorized persons, institutions and organizations

5.  Creating and tracking visitor records

Transfer Abroad Buyer Group Transfer Purpose

 The Google e -mail infrastructure.    

Microsoft Azure (Cloud Computing Services) will be transferred abroad due to the use of servers of the service provider company located abroad and from which we receive support.

1.  Conduct/supervision of business activities

2.  Ensuring business continuity

3.  Carrying out after-sales support services for goods/services

4.  Execution of goods / service sales processes

5.  Carrying out storage and archive activities

6.  Providing information to authorized persons, institutions and organizations

Natural persons or private law legal entities (Facebook, Google, Twitter , Linkedin etc )

1.  Conducting marketing analysis studies

2.  Execution of advertising / campaign / promotion processes

3.  Carrying out strategic planning activities

4.  Carrying out marketing processes of products / services    

4.1. Domestic Transfer   As a rule, processed data can be transferred domestically if the Relevant Person has express consent. Personal data can be transferred without the express consent of the Relevant Person , if there is a clear regulation in the legislation regarding the transfer of personal data. Personal data without the express consent of the Relevant Person ;

I.                   If it is necessary to protect the life or physical integrity of the personal data owner or someone else, and if the personal data owner is unable to express his/her consent due to actual impossibility or if his/her consent is not given legal validity, it may be transferred to third parties.

ii.                  If it is necessary to transfer personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract, personal data may be transferred to third parties.

iii.                If personal data transfer is necessary for the Company to fulfill its legal obligations, personal data may be transferred to third parties.

iv.                 If personal data has been made public by the personal data owner, it may be transferred to third parties for limited purposes.

v.                  If personal data transfer is necessary for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right, personal data may be transferred to third parties.  

vi.  Provided that the fundamental rights and freedoms of the           Relevant Person are not harmed, personal data transfer may be transferred to third parties if it is necessary for the legitimate interests of the Company.    

4.2.              Transfer Abroad the Visitor's personal data abroad only with the Explicit Consent of the Relevant Person .

may transfer the personal data of Relevant Persons abroad without explicit consent . In cases where the country or countries to which personal data will be transferred (a) is one of the countries declared by the Board to have adequate protection, or (b) if it is not one of the countries declared by the Board, permission has been obtained from the Board by obtaining a written commitment providing adequate protection from the data controllers in the relevant foreign country. If one or more of the following conditions are present, personal data may be transferred abroad without explicit consent.  

I.             If there is a clear regulation in the legislation regarding the transfer of personal data, it can be transferred abroad.

ii.                  If it is necessary to protect the life or physical integrity of the personal data owner or someone else, and if the personal data owner is unable to express his/her consent due to actual impossibility or if his/her consent is not given legal validity, it may be transferred abroad.

iii.                If it is necessary to transfer personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract, personal data may be transferred abroad without the express consent of the Relevant Person .

iv.                 If personal data transfer is mandatory for the Company to fulfill its legal obligations, personal data may be transferred abroad.

v.                  If personal data has been made public by the owner, it can be transferred abroad for limited purposes.

vi.                 If personal data transfer is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right, personal data may be transferred abroad.  

vii.               Personal data may be transferred to third parties without the express consent of the Relevant Person , provided that the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Relevant Person are not harmed, if personal data transfer is necessary for the legitimate interests of the Company.  

a)            Private Personal Data ; The Company may transfer it abroad by obtaining the Explicit Consent of the Relevant Person by applying administrative and technical measures and complying with the special measures taken by the Board . In order for the Company to transfer Special Personal Data abroad even without obtaining the Explicit Consent of the Relevant Person , the country or countries to which the personal data will be transferred must be (a) one of the countries declared to have adequate protection by the Board, or (b) if it is not one of the countries declared by the Board. Permission must be obtained from the Board by obtaining a written commitment providing adequate protection from the data controllers in the relevant foreign country, and (c) one or more of the following conditions must be present.

I.            Private Personal Data other than health and sexual life: If clearly provided for in the legislation, the Company may process Special Personal Data other than health and sexual life without obtaining the explicit consent of the data owner.

ii.            Private Personal Data regarding health and sexual life: for the purpose of protecting public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, execution of treatment and care services, planning and management of health services and their financing, by persons under the obligation of confidentiality or authorized institutions and organizations without explicit consent. can be processed.  

5.     Rights of the Relevant Person and Application to the Company  

5.1.              Rights of the Relevant Person   The Relevant Person has the right to apply to the Company regarding his personal data regarding the following issues;  

I.            Learning whether personal data is processed or not,

ii.                  Requesting information if personal data has been processed,

iii.                Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,

iv.                 Knowing the third parties to whom personal data is transferred at home or abroad,

v.                  Requesting correction of personal data if they are incomplete or incorrectly processed,

vi.                 Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data,

vii.               In case personal data has been processed incompletely or incorrectly, to request the correction of these and/or the deletion or destruction of personal data to be notified to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,

viii.              Objecting to the emergence of a result that is unfavorable to the individual by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automatic systems,

ix.                 Request compensation for damages in case of damage due to unlawful processing of personal data.  

5.2.              Application to the Company   The Company has prepared a Procedure in order to protect the rights of the Relevant Person regulated in the Law and this Information Text and to fulfill its obligations in this regard. In accordance with this Procedure , the Company makes maximum efforts to provide the information requested by the Relevant Person regarding his/her personal data by contacting the Company, free of charge, as soon as possible, within thirty days at the latest. If the transaction requires an additional cost, the fee in the tariff determined by the Board may be collected from the Relevant Person . As a result of reviewing the request, the Company accepts the request or rejects it by explaining the reason and notifies the Relevant Person in writing or electronically. If the request in the application is accepted, the Company fulfills the requirements of the request. If the application is caused by a Company error, the fee received will be refunded to the Relevant Person .   Relevant Persons, 8.1. You can exercise your rights specified in the article by filling out the attached application form at the address named and sending it with wet signature to the company address at via notary public, KEP or e-mail , or by hand to the same address in person or through your representative. You can use it by delivering it or sending it to e-mail address.


Documents proving his/her identity, documents supporting the request, if any, and in case the Relevant Person wishes to exercise this right through his/her attorney, a copy of the power of attorney containing special authority in this regard must be submitted as an attachment to the form.

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